Hello, Legends
Welcome to November, and greetings from Lisbon where we have been participating in the 2022 Web Summit. Overall, it has been an eventful week, and we are excited to share the highlights with you.
Web Summit exhibition

On Wednesday, we held an exhibition at the Web summit showcasing all our products and the latest unreleased games. We had over 200 people visit our booth and play the games including an Analyst from Sony. The new players were thrilled by LOCGame, and cannot wait to download the mobile version. To our surprise, one of our latest unreleased games — I Know This Place…? (IKTP), stole the show!
We also ran 2 raffles where the winners will win Iris cards and Starter packs. 3 businesses will have their products and services placed in the Crypto Rebel newsletter in the sponsored section, banner and sponsored newsletters. We will announce the winners after the conference.

We are excited to have met with so many interesting people like Sandeep Nailwal, the Co-founder of Polygon, and we gave him some LOCGame card packs. Other sideline events we attended were the Dutch Startups networking event and a private dinner with Stripe. So far, we have secured partnerships with AWS and MongoDB.

Game updates

On Monday, the Iris card giveaway campaign came to an end. We announced the lucky winners on our social media pages and community chats and began the distribution of the rewards accordingly. Congratulations to the winners. Keep playing LOCGame and follow all our announcements for a chance to win in the next giveaway.
Work is in progress on the LOCGame mobile build. Many people had the chance to play the mobile version during the exhibition and loved it. Going by our timeline, the mobile version will be available by the end of the year.
This week, our dev team also worked on the admin panel, and bug report system. They also fixed some bugs and optimized the game. If you spot any bugs while playing, please let us know immediately.
Social media mentions
That’s all for now. We will be back with more updates next Friday. Be sure to check-in.
Have an amazing weekend!
Team LOCGame