Hello, Legends and cheers to the freakin’ Black Friyaay! We hope that you can sense our excitement.
Happy Thanksgiving Holidays to our American Legends. We are thankful to you for being a part of our community, and for your unwavering support.
In today’s weekly update, we have info on our ongoing Black Friday sales (Yes, you can pause for a moment to shop your favourite packs, we can wait) and more.
-LOCGame Black Friday Sales
-Game and Marketplace Updates
-IKTP Updates
-Play and Earn
-Social Mentions
Black Friday is NOW!

ICYMI, the Black Friday sales have begun! All the NFT card packs in the Awakening and Apollo collections will be at a 50% discount. This is the perfect chance to arm yourself with the latest cards before the mobile version arrives.
Hurry up to our Marketplace and purchase the packs for half their regular prices before the sale ends!
If you have any questions or issues, contact us in our global chat channel, and we will assist you.
Game and Marketplace update

Following weeks of anticipation, we are glad to announce that our new marketplace is finally up! Although, we are yet to finalize the updates, most of the basic features are available for today’s Black Friday sales.
We undertook this revamp to offer simpler and easier navigation. Now, you can easily browse through the various card collections as you shop. The new marketplace also offers a Metamask login, through which you can connect your wallet in a few clicks. There are also new pages and an FAQ guide on the support page to help you. Take a look and let us know what you think.
This week brought us one step closer to having LOCGame on mobile. Recall that last week, we mentioned that this was our priority. Our team is all in to deliver the mobile version in time for the holidays. The team is still automating the project’s upload to Google Play and the Apple Store. This week, they also made some progress on the admin panel, game optimization, and bug fixes. Keep playing the game, and if you find any glitches, please let us know right away.
IKTP Update
Yes, it is a busy week, but our IKTP development team is not holding back. This week, they recorded more progress with the new game. They have successfully implemented new animations for the characters. Also, they have designed an inventory system and a Steam page to help players with their positioning, map navigation, and understanding discovered objects.
If you are excited and want to learn more about IKTP, join the community here to follow the progress.
Play and Earn
This weekend, make a date to play LOCGame with your friends and family to earn some LC coins and exchange them for LOCG tokens. As long as you have 15 unique NFT cards, you can play the Awakening season and earn new tokens as you progress in the Story mode and PvP mode. You can also bet and compete against each other in friendly matches. Be sure to play and enjoy LOCGame this weekend.
Social Mentions
It’s a wrap, Legends!
We will be back with more updates next week. Keep a date, and happy Black Friday!