January 3, 2023

How to Play LOCGame on Mobile

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Legends, the mobile version of LOCGame is now available for Android devices. If you own an Android phone, download the game here and enjoy it on the go.

If you are wondering how to access this mobile version, follow the steps below;

  1. Visit https://www.locgame.io/play
  2. Scroll down to this section & Click on ‘Download For Android

3. Installation begins

4. After downloading, click on the file to launch the game

5. Connect your Metamask wallet

6. Congratulations, you are now logged in and connected

7. You can now navigate the game in Story Mode or battle in PvP mode.

Keep playing and competing against other players for a chance to top the leaderboard and win cool prizes! You can also exchange your LC coins for LOCG tokens, and vice versa, in the Exchange.

Please note that to play the game, you need to have 15 unique NFT cards. Visit the newly revamped marketplace to purchase your NFT card packs or resell them.


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